Random Acts of Kindness ~ Sisu

20 Apr 2022 by Melissa Freeman

I was thinking a lot this weekend about how much we’ve individually (and collectively) been through over the last couple of years and a word kept coming up for me. The Finnish word Sisu can be roughly translated as ‘strength of will, determination, perseverance, and acting rationally in the face of adversity’. Sisu is not a moment of courage, it is the ability to sustain that courage.

Doesn’t that sum up how so many of us have been managing things lately?

There is no announcement or specific reason for sending you this email. I guess I just wanted to tell you that I think you’re courageous. Keep practicing Sisu and know that I’m glad you’re out there, being you.


P.S. If you haven’t already signed up for my daily texts, please do! I’d love to chat with you – yes it’s really me! No, I don’t do anything with your information and I won’t try to sell you a thing. Just send me a text at (303) 529-2494 and you’ll get a little bit of inspiration every day.

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